Newsletter Winter 2015

Our lead article 'HMRC gone phishing?' warns of the dangers of bogus HMRC emails, texts and websites. We also include links for reporting incidents and viewing examples. With the self assessment deadline approaching it is important to be vigilant as the deadline has previously prompted an increase in phishing activity...

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HMRC Phishing emails

Phishing is the fraudulent act of emailing a person in order to obtain personal or financial information. HMRC has issued guidance to help recognise fraudulent emails...

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Pension top up window open

An 18 month window has opened up for existing pensioners and those near State Pension age which allows additional voluntary contributions...

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A new register for all companies

From April 2016 companies will be required to maintain and keep open for public inspection a register of persons with significant control...

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Fit for Work

Businesses, particularly small businesses, can have significant problems coping when an employee is off work for a long time...

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Why it doesn't pay to ignore the Enterprise Investment Scheme

For over 20 years, the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) has helped smaller trading companies raise finance. We look at some of the tax breaks available...

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Feature article

Research and development - making claims easier for smaller and medium companies

The government views investment in research and development ('R&D') as a key to economic success. Recent changes to R&D scheme rates have increased the relief available so a clear understanding is needed to ensure that companies are aware of how the tax rules work...

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Property income - repairs and replacements - more changes on the way

We look at some recent changes to the amounts that can be claimed as repairs or replacements for landlords of residential properties...

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What impact does the Bribery Act have on your business?

The government wants businesses to consider the impact of the Bribery Act but also wants businesses to take a proportionate, pragmatic and low-cost approach to winning business without bribery...

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Feature article

Changes and choices for micro company Financial Accounts

Over the next year or so the statutory accounts that small companies have to prepare and send to Companies House are changing. We look at the options and how they’ll affect your company...

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The birth of two types of income tax

On 6 April 2016, a fundamental change will be made to the taxation system for UK resident individuals. Those who are resident in Scotland will pay two types of income tax on their non-savings income...

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